Candle tutorial
In the miniature group on Facebook that I'm in, it was a woman who said that you could make candles in cut straws. I decided to try to make them. I hope you understand my description. It's not that complicated, but it can get pretty messy ...

1 Light some real candles. I had three of them but if you want to do a lot of minicandles at the same time it's good to have more. Use a sheet of paper or anything else you can throw away later (It gets very messy) Cut the straws in different lengths depending on how long candles you want to make.
2 Pour some stearic on the paper and hurry to set up the straws before it solidifies.
3 Cut thread that will be the wick.

4 Pour the stearic into the straws. Fill up all and wait a little while before putting in the thread.
5 Add the thread. I found that if you lay the end of the thread in stearic and pinching the ends so the end gets hard, it will be easier to put it down the straw, but you can test what works best for yourself. Move the thread to the center the more the stearic hardens, and you get them well positioned.
6 When the stearic has hardened, take them away of the paper. Push out the candles from the straws. I used a tool with a small ball at the tip. Then it would be easy to push out the lights of straws.
Hope you found this helpful!